Browser For Mac That Uses Less Power And Ram Than Chrome

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Jun 27, 2016  Google’s much-maligned Chrome (which has a reputation for being a power hog) pulled into second place with about half an hour less battery life than Edge.

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Edit - yes the video was played at 1080p60. So far from what others have said it seems like Edge really is way more efficient at playback. Edit 2 - I have tried using the same codecs what Edge uses for the videos, even with that, Chrome still falls behind in performance. From reading the results here Edge seems to have anywhere from 2.5 to 10+ times less CPU usage while playing videos.

Edit 3 - Doing my best to get the results together from everyone and compile them, also trying to answer everyone~ Edit 4 - Here we go, started making a little comparison sheet: • • • • •. Edit, the upper comment might be right somewhat, yet results from people who force Chrome to use the same codec which Edge is using show that Edge is still at least twice as efficient! You can see all of that in the comparison sheet which I linked in the main post Ding, seems like you are right. If I use chrome and look at the youtube player stats for nerds it says it uses webm vp9, which my pc does not seem to like very much. And I also see just how many frames I drop:/ Meanwhile on Edge, it shows mp4 and using the h.264 and not a single dropped frame.

I guess I was right when I thought the video was much smoother on Edge than it is on Chrome. Is there any way to make Chrome use the H.264? I like chrome because of the extensions and integration, but in this case it's just clearly the loser in this situation for me.

Hi, I've been thru many browsers. I'm currently on Chrome. I like Opera, but I do not want to move into the entire Opera community again.

I need the ability to log into my browser and access bookmarks and such from any pc. Chrome opens multiple instances in task mgr for each tab opened - at minimum, FOUR per tab. The amount of CPU usage is astronomical, as well as memory. Where is the http password setting on vlc for use with vlc direct mac osx. I'm looking for something much more efficient - less drain on resources, but can be logged into from anywhere to retrieve my settings and saved information. I've seen many comparison sites, but many focus on the top known browsers and I am sure there is something out there that is better. I refuse to use IE, and FireFox lost me years ago when they ate up my RAM as well. Does anyone know of a trusted, reliable site for comparison of web browsers that would show statistics of CPU and memory usage?

Kees, no way i have the time for a site LOL pgc3, that isnt the case - i usually test w/ or my yahoo email. I have compared, and chrome does open mp instances in task mgr and uses a total of more resources than most. That's w/ just one tab opened. I just compared the two sites bc theyre my most used.