Calendar And Todo List For Mac

Calendar software: Powerful. Calendarscope is a full-featured calendar software for planning, managing, and scheduling appointments, meetings, birthdays, vacations, special events. It allows you to view all your events in a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly overview. You can get a quick look at the events of a single day in any calendar view. Using Calendarscope, you can create single or recurring events and tasks, set reminders for upcoming events, color-code different item types, and much more. A Drag and Drop feature allows you to reschedule an event or change its duration easily.

Task and TaskPad views show all scheduled tasks, including Active, Overdue, Completed, and others. You can also create and track tasks with a flowing deadline or without a due date.

Reminders have customizable fonts, colors, and sounds, and can contain email addresses and live web URLs. Many of the main program features are accessible from a tray icon. You can synchronize your data with Google Calendar or your mobile device using or you can print your calendar to take with you. You can also to publish it to the Web or to a company intranet.

The holidays of over 30 countries are available. Unauthorized access to your data is prevented with strong encryption algorithms. The program can communicate with (our FREE utility), show the upcoming reminders and synchronize your computer's clock with Atomic Time Servers.

Is also available. Get organized and improve your productivity with Calendarscope! What users say. Allow me to compliment you on your calendar software. I had despaired at ever finding a piece of calendaring software that thought as I did.

Over the last six months, I've tried more than a dozen packages (even paid for a couple) and none have had the stunning combination of simplicity and power of your version. Particularly insightful is your implementation of event types and especially the fact that you can perform all the variety of Calendarscope activities archiving, printing, exporting and importing, web page generating, etc.) with the filters enabled and controlling the activity.


15+ million people trust Todoist to tame life's chaos. Ranked by The Verge as the world's best to do list app. Free on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, & more. You have now accessed your Google Calendar. Note: When you use Google Calendar as your to do list, DON’T delete the tasks you have completed. If you scheduled a task for 30 minutes and it actually takes you 1 hour to complete, change the duration of the task to 1 hour.

Your cleverness, clarity of design and implementation and user interface are simply unparalleled in this type of application. Your combination of simplicity and power is very rare indeed. I'm stunned, simply stunned.

I would not have thought it possible that I would find an app (especially after searching for so long) that would so exactly match my needs, virtually to the last detail. I was looking at systems costing more than $100 and up and was willing to pay it if I only could bend them around to my needs. That your app serves my needs so exactly (WITHOUT any bending, I might add) for $30 is nothing less than incredible. Steve Amos I like your product very much, seems to be the best calendar around, was looking and comparing other products on the internet.

- the layout is very clear, the program is very comfortable - less use of memory, fast - seems to be a programm which has a 'future'. Mark Schrodter I Would Like To Say Your Calendar Program is All That I Expected and I Would Like To Say That You Have a 100% Thumbs up Satisfied Customer. You Have Made an Excellent Program Where You Can Add Multiple Events of Differing Types and Make Them Printable, Too. I Will Enjoy This Program For a Long Time To Come. Alvin Gerard I just want to let you know, I have used your program with great satisfaction, in the ( recent) past; while in the business world.

Now that I have recently retired I find that I use it at least as much if not more than before. It continues to make my life (just a little easier). Bill Dwyer I really appreciate how active you are working to make this calendar program better and better. So, I wanted to thank you for making a good program progressively better. Peter Deniet Thanks for all your help and for a great calendar! I love Calendarscope and now that I have it on my PDA, I'm able to take it with me.

Setup a VPN server with macOS Sierra server 10.12 We have a lot of customers who use their Mac mini as a VPN server. This works great when you need an IP address in the US, or a secure internet connection on the road, or a number of other reasons. Vpn for mac os 10.12. Click 'Connect' button to connect the VPN. Please notice: If you are using macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and you see the PPTP connection selected in the ' VPN Server and Protocol ' field, please click on this field and change the connection type to L2TP. MacOS (10.12) - AITS VPN keeps disconnecting As of September 20, 2016, Apple has released operating system upgrades to macOS (formally Mac OS X) which removes software support for older VPN technologies used for connecting to the AITS VPN Server. I now need to figure out how to re-establish a VPN connection. I am sure someone has solved this. I have tried various combinations of settings between RV220W and MacBook, but can't get connected. I would prefer to not have to add additional software but I might have to. With Apple removing PPTP from their OS, it's even more crucial I get SSTP working for my Mac users. I've come across iSstp, but being a novice in the Apple operating system I'm lost on how to proceed.