Excel 16.15 For Mac Is A Total Piece Of Shit

As others have said, there is a Microsoft Excel for Mac. With an Office 365 subscription you get access to latest versions at all times. Currently the latest version is Office 2016 for Mac, and Microsoft has really improved Excel!

ITunes Apple's always trying to install shitty itunes on my PC, when I don't even have an iPod. I don't care to get an iPod, in fact, the Zune has better features. But both blow compared to my Creative ZEN, so fuck you Apple, take your software to people who want it.

Bonjour The adware made by Apple that's installed without your consent, all it does is spam you with 'you need to update your itunes' messages. FUCK YOU APPLE!!! This is one fucked up piece of shit, it seems to be the norm for most video streaming done on the internet, and faggot Apple made it where you contract bonjour if you download it. The Macintosh Fuck you Apple, why advertise this thing as a high-end gaming PC, when the only thing high are the programmers behind it's shitty operating system? Sure it's just a computer, but you should give your customers the simple necessities like a Windows Movie Maker clone, but noooo, you charge us for your shitty iMovie.

IPhone Fuck you Apple, you got me worked up about this piece of shit, made me buy this piece of shit and guess what? Lync web app for mac download torrent. It sucks, sucks more than my old Nokia 1600. The screen gets all smudgy after sending one text message!

You can type faster on phones with QWERTY keyboards, you can actually get better internet connection on my Nokia N95 and you don't have to worry about cleaning the screen twice to ten times daily. Advertising You know what Apple? Microsoft almost never mentions the Macintosh in their commercials, why do a side-by-side comparison with biased, paid actors in yours? Guess what Apple? The Macintosh is not hip, tight or pimp; oh and fuck you Apple. IPod Nano Tiny MP3 player, that relies on shitty iTunes. Seriously, why not get something that you don't have to worry about losing all your songs on because of a virus/system restore?

Or something that's not a pain in the ass to get songs from CDs on? My cellphone holds more memory than this shit, fuck you Apple for making such a useless product. IPod An over hyped hard drive with operating software and a screen, that's all it is. Why spend $350 on something like that? Do you need music and television 24/7? Why not on the next time you find yourself away from television (and bed), just take a second to think and reflect on your bad investments? Or, if you're like me and do not need over 9000 songs to listen to, put some on your cell phone.

Fuck you Apple, for preying on the population's ADD. Macworld Conference & Expo There you go again Apple, trying to make the Macintosh seem like a fucking cultural movement.

It doesn't make you unique, cool or get you anymore friends than a PC does. Why the hell don't you join Microsoft in the Computer Expo, and leave it at that? Making me angry in 9 different ways >:( Why does Apple have to do these things? Why do they have to stoop so low as to give us adware?! Does anyone else share my feelings?:(. At 9/16/08 03:42 AM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: Nobody made you buy anything. For someone who hates everything Apple makes, you seem to own a lot of their products.

True that, I.bought the Mac because a friend suggested it -pawned it for a new motherboard for my PC.bought the iPod because everyone else had one -sold my 40gb because I hated it.bought the nano because the iPod was too big -gave it away, it was fugly.downloaded quicktime to watch gametrailers, and I contracted bonjour.bought an iPhone because it looked pimp -the battery lost it's ability to hold a charge, I sent it to Apple a few weeks ago, and I am yet to get it back. I have reformatted my PC since installing iTunes, so I know there's no reason for them to spam me with ads other than to get me to buy their product.