Glenn's Games For Mac

The Whole Table d'Erlon's Infantry Supported by Cavalry Dutch-Belgian Light Cavalry Hanoverian Landwehr British Lines in the Center Brunswick Contingent Bauduin's French Prepare to Attack Hougoumont Hougoumont Itself The event organizers put Glenn's game right next to the entrance doors, so everyone coming into the convention got to take in the sight. Both games saw the battle finished within four hours of playing time, and the scenario was well balanced and enjoyable! The first game saw a British victory, and the second game saw the French break the British center and reverse history. The players picked up the rules very quickly, and everyone enjoyed them.

Join our E-Club to get a FREE queso and be in-the-know for all the happenings at Taco Mac! Just because we like you. Email * First Name *. Sports news and upcoming games. Glenn’s Chancellor Event! October 26 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.

Well, there was one player who was frustrated because she couldn't move every unit every turn, but overall the rules were a hit! I will certainly be using them for some of my own games. Glenn Starts Briefing the Players The British Players Discuss Their Strategy All the Players Were Pushing Lead within Minutes d'Erlon's Attack Glenn's Friend Paul alongside Ivor Janci The French Players Examine Their Options The French Took Hougoumont, but Stalled Short of the Ridge Game Two Took Place Friday Morning Glenn Helps Players Resolve a Combat The French Captured the Ridge and Closed in on Wellington After our games concluded, I had two days to enjoy the convention and play a little myself. Nearly 200 games were available over the whole four day period, and some of them were stunning!

I never saw anything that equaled the spectacle of Glenn's Waterloo, but then I am a little biased. To the Strongest! Chinese The first game I gravitated towards was this.

I have had the rules for a while now, but I never seriously sat down and tried to play with them. I certainly will now! The game flowed beautifully, the players always had important decisions to make, and the results seemed historical. Most ancients rules break down when trying to handle horse archers, but this system handled it beautifully. I sat down and ordered a terrain mat with grid the very next day.

I think I have found my ancients rules. Vikings Raid a Saxon Villiage The Saxons Prepare to Defend Age of Sail Waterloo with Paper Figures '1812: The Invasion of Canada' with Custom Board and 6mm Miniatures Epic 40mm Lord of the Rings Game The Figures Were Prepaints This One Drew a Crowd of Players Beautiful 15mm Lord of the Rings Game Excellent Sabot Trays The Figures Were Beautifully Painted All of Market-Garden with 15mm Figures Pirates in 15mm 'To the Shores of Tripoli' American Marines Storm a Fort The US Navy Supports the Attack Howard Whitehouse Runs an Entertaining Game Eutaw Springs in 15mm 100 Days Campaign Mollwitz. I Knew It Immediately French and Indian War Pretty AWI Game 6mm Napoleonics A Vietnam Game French and Indian War with 1/72 Plastics Another AWI Game Crusades with some True 25mm Memoir '44 Using Plastic 54mm Figures Jurassic Park Game Was a Hit Thirty Years War Action Is that Frank Chadwick?! Why yes, yes it is. Lots of People Enjoying Games Saturday afternoon Glenn and I, accompanied by his friend Jack, set up Glenn's new board game designs and played. We started with ',' which allows players to complete the whole of the Napoleonic Wars in about two hours.

This was my first time playing, and we finished in about 90 minutes. Victory and Glory: Napoleon. GP, Mike, and Me These guys. Let me tell you. I've known GP for years through his blog,. Now he and Mike have started, using 3D scanners and printing to let you create a miniature with YOUR OWN HEAD on it!

After GP and I spent half an hour flattering each other, I sat to have my portrait made. Coming Soon to a Miniature Near You Here is the 3D scan of your humble blogger. I ordered a Roman officer, Viking war lord, and WWII American officer, all in 28mm. GP was not the only online friend I met for the first time. I got to spend a few minutes conversing with George Nafziger, Mark Severin of Scale Creep, Larry Reber of Gettysburg Soldiers, and many more. I was surprised to have my name recognized by so many people at the show. Mac

I never realized that so many people followed my blog. On Sunday Glenn and I skipped the closing games and headed out on the town. Lake Michigan and Downtown Chicago The El Train I'm a big baseball fan, and it was a treat to take in a game at Wrigley Field. The Cubs shut out the Brewers 2-0. Glenn and Me at Wrigley Field A Beautiful Day for Baseball After the game, Glenn and I hit a few bars, then went to Juno Sushi and got the works. This was the best meal I have had in my life. Juno Sushi A night of drunken debauchery followed, and by 4:00 AM I was at the airport, bleary eyed and still a little boozy.