Install Eclipse For Pydev Mac
From the Work with dropdown box, select PyDev. The Available Software list should populate with some items. Check the box next to PyDev in the list, then select Next to continue. The next screen is Install Details screen where you can review what you would like to install. Ensure that PyDev for Eclipse is in the list and click Next. The label on Eclipse will change from Java - Eclipse to PyDev - Eclipse, and the Package Explorer in the upper-left tab will change to PyDev Package Explorer, and a PyDev icon will appear to the right of the Java icon.
Requisites PyDev requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) in order to run and only supports Python 2.6 onwards. I.e.: • (2.6 or newer) • (2.6 or newer) • (2.6 or newer) - excluding 2.7.6 and 2.7.7, which have a bug which makes them unusable in PyDev. If you don't have Java 8, the update process may appear to succeed, but PyDev will simply not show in the target installation. Please double-check if you're using a Java 8 vm in about > installation details > configuration before trying to install PyDev. Installing with the update site Note: Instructions are targeted at Eclipse 4.6 onwards To install PyDev and PyDev Extensions using the Eclipse Update Manager, you need to use the Help > Install New Software. In the next screen, add the update site(s) you want to work with from the list below: Latest version: • Nightly builds: • Browse other versions (open in browser to select URL for Eclipse): • and press so that Eclipse will query the update site you just entered for contents. Before proceeding, it's recommended that you UNCHECK the 'Contact all update sites during install to find required software' (it will still work if you don't do that, but it'll query all the update sites available, which is much slower than querying only the PyDev update site, which should be all that's needed to install PyDev).
Now, select PyDev for Eclipse to install PyDev (and optionally the PyDev Mylyn integration or the developer resources, which provide the PyDev source code) and click Next. Now, read the license agreement and if you accept, select the accept radio button and click Finish.
At that point, Eclipse should automatically download the plugin contents and present you to a dialog asking if you want to restart (to which you should say yes). Unable to load repository While most times things work as explained, some users may have messages such as: Unable to load the repository Unknown Host: This means there's some issue accessing the update site in your current connection. In that case, you can try using a direct URL for the download (all the URLs are actually redirects to the final location).
Currently, those redirects point to links on, so, you can visit the related update site page (such as ) in a browser and see to where it's being redirected (you may want to try that direct link with http or https to see if it makes a difference in your use case). Java 8 requisite If you don't have Java 8, make sure you download/install the latest Java 8 JRE or JDK, try restarting to see if it got it automatically. I.e.: in help > about > installation details > configuration check if it's actually using the Java 8 version you pointed at. If it didn't get it automatically, follow the instructions from: to add the -vm argument to eclipse.ini on 'Specifying the JVM' to specify the Java 8 vm. Note on Mac OS: You can use the command '/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8' to get the base path for the JVM (though you also need to append '/bin/java' to the output of said command to the -vm arg in eclipse.ini).
Corrupted install Eclipse sometimes is not able to correctly get the plugin, from the update site but will do no checking on whether it is really correct (no md5 checking), and when this happens, you'll usually get a ClassNotFoundException (similar to the example below). When that happens, you should uninstall it and reinstall again with the update site.
Will happen, causing data loss or system corruption. Seagate backup plus drive driver.
If that still fails, you could try to get the zip files, as it will at least give you a warning when it is corrupt. Note that the chance of the files being corrupt in the server is pretty low, as that's something that's always checked in a new release, but if you're suspicious about it, please report it at so that it can be double-checked.
Also, there have been reports with that error where the only solution that has been consistent has been removing all previous versions of PyDev and then installing the latest version. EXAMPLE Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml. Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.python.pydev.editor.PyEdit at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.core.AbstractClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.loadClass(