Synology Notes App For Mac

I mostly enjoyed using Note Station for a bit, until my DS got messed up and I had to start from scratch. I had DS Note synced with Note Station before I reformatted, but when I went to resync back to the new system, I hesitated. Free apps for mac computer. Contacted Synology for them to test it and low and behold, they told me NOT to sync to the new system since it would wipe everything on DS Note (on my smartphone) as it would sync from the DS to the phone, not from the phone to the DS. Because of this issue, I will not manually transfer my notes from the phone to the DS since this could happen again. I've been using DS Note still to this day, months later, for all my notes, etc and it's fine, but it just doesn't sync anymore (I uninstalled Note Station from my DS just to be safe). I'm not interested in EverNote, but rather an alternative to storing and working with notes on a Synology system.

Does anyone have any ideas or recommendations? I was considering just txt file notes in a 'notes' folder on the DS, but would like something a bit more refined, streamlined, faster, etc. The DS update in May 2015 resulted in basically my system melting down (not literally melting).

‎**You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the Note Station 1.1 to get the complete set of features** Whether for creating your weekly to-do list, sharing information on projects with your teammates, or simply describing your best holiday memories, DS note’s editing features make. The login history is shared between Synology Mobile Apps for more convenience (hostnames and account names) . Opening a document with DS file from another app now allows to choose the destination (local files or on the DiskStation itself) . Unicode domain names (also known as IDN) are now supported.

Multiple drive failures caused my 1815+ with 6x 6TB WD Red drives (new as of January 2015, less than 80% utilization, up and running smoothly up until this point) running SHR2 to fail. I think 3 failed initially, then a 4th one a little later. Not only that, but it messed up my router so I couldn't log on. I had to restore my router to factory settings.

There was a lot of back and forth with Synology support (over days/weeks) and it took a while (days/weeks) to figure out what went wrong and how to get my system recognized again. Long story short, I had to start from scratch. Thankfully I was able to salvage everything from the remaining drives plus older externals.

Well, I think everything.maybe I am missing a little bit, but there's nothing I can do since I didn't have a recent backup of everything (RAID is not a backup!). Anyways/tl;dr - keep auto updates turned off, check the message boards first before updating, don't rely on Note Station as your only way to keep track of your notes, and if you do have to start from scratch, DO NOT SYNC NOTE STATION!;) • • • • •. I used NoteStation for a day before I looked into what it would take to export my data out of it and wasn't happy with what I saw. My solution since then as been to use nvALT (Mac OS X) and my mapped 'Documents' volume. For Windows I would recommend RedNotebook.

Both applications store their notes as plain text files. MarkDown for nvALT. Not sure what RedNotebook uses (never looked). But that fact alone means your data will be easily transportable. And you can just as easily use DS:File or something similar to view them (or create new ones) on your phone if you need that.

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(DS2415+ & DS214play both now running DSM 6 beta) • • • •.