Usb Headset With Mic For Mac

Hi there Like the title might imply, I want to have a headset for my imac with Leopard. Today I went to the store and a Gravis Gamer Headset around 30 euro caught my eye, I asked of of the customer assistants if he could plug it into one of the iMacs there, he did and we got the error Keyboard not supported + the blabla it comes with Same problem with USB Soundcards. There would have been a headset from Logitech which would have supported mac, but its made for skype and co, and I really doubt I would feel comfy with that thing on my head for longer than 2 hours when playing (which I mostly gonna use it for) So: What Tips can you give me, are those logitech headsets usable for gaming? Are there any, not too expensive headsets that would work as gaming headset?

Instead the headset would need to connect via a different input (like a USB) using an adapter. Once the appropriate adapter is in place and the headset is selected in the computer audio settings then the headset will function correctly.

The headset I am using on my windows PC is a PLantronics, non usb, I#d like to have a sond quality simirar or better Best would be a detachable mic or mutable with big earparts, good for shooters and wow. Hope you can help me. Video game creation software for mac. Click to expand.if you tell me how to plug a microphone into a machine without a microphone in? Ill have a look at those you guys posted (but srsly, I won't spent a whoppin 250 on a headset for playing xD) Somebody can help me out and tell me, the problem I stated in my first post, was this just the iMac in the store, or will every iMac react like that? While googling I saw a form thread somewhere, where someone said his gravis is working fine on his mac. Exactly the one iI tryied today. And I got this error.

USB Headset for Macspeech How peachy that you made this topic today, I was just thinking of the same question. I'm looking for a headset for Macspeech, an overly-finnicky dictation program. Apparently not just any microphone will do, it has to be a USB-based one. Macspeech's recommended headset list is incredibly short, so I went off to search on my own. I have no experience with USB headsets. It seems like the headsets I find are either horrifically ugly and are mediocre quality, or are made for gamers (and their compatibility with Mac OS X is uncertain).

While the microphone quality is really all that matters, it wouldn't hurt if it were ergonomic and if it could double as a nice pair of headphones. I figured that since they're all USB it shouldn't really make a difference whether it's Windows or not. Of course, all of the gamer-centered ones talk about Windows compatibility, but none seem to explicitly state it as a requirement. I found a seemingly decent set for use, the, and gave them a call to inquire about Mac OS X compatibility. They said that they tested it out on a Mac and it didn't work.

So what gives? Do all USB headsets require drivers, or are some just more specialized than others? On that note, I'd also like recommendations for USB headsets. I'd prefer not to exceed $50, but I'm willing to go higher if necessary. Microphone quality is the #1 priority, comfort of wear is a close second. Style and quality audio output are desirable, but if I can't have it all then those two can be tossed.