Dsd Osx Player

The first music server and audio player software (June 2011) to directly play DSD format (dsf / dff, 64Fs and 128Fs) audio files with any DAC (real-time conversion to PCM during playback), plus full native DSD Audio Support (on DACs supporting DoP). DSF audio file format (.dsf file extension) contains lossless 1-bit audio stream in delta sigma modulation (famous as DSD). It is audiophile high resolution file format for 1-bit DSD DACs.

Over the last few years, the list of 'audiophile' audio players on the Mac has gradually increased. Do they sound the same if set to bit-perfect output? Let's have a look at the candidates I'll be considering here: 1.: I bought this program more than a year ago. It's a no-nonsense program that plays a nice range of file formats without fuss. It's able to take exclusive access of the audio device, and memory playback.

As with all the commercial offerings, it can switch sample rate automatically. PCM only, no DoP for DSD at this time. Best video player for mac.

I upgraded to the latest version 1.2.11 for these tests. Memory playback was activated. 2.: Current version is 1.4.6. I bought this one about 6 months ago.

It's got a nice, fancy GUI. Able to handle DSD files with DST and was able to play DSD64 and DSD128 over the USB interface to my TEAC UD-501 without problem. 'Under the hood', it's also got some extra features like memory playback, 'Direct Mode' apparently bypassing CoreAudio as well as 'Integer Mode'. Since the software supposedly bypasses CoreAudio, I would have thought that 'Integer Mode' would be an obvious given. They also talk about 64-bit processing which is great if one has need for the SRC and dithering (iZotope-based).

For these tests, I'm using Direct, Integer Mode with memory playback to the TEAC. The green 'INT' indicator turns on. Also, I have SysOptimizer turned on (disables Spotlight, Time Machine, some USB tweaks).

- Well known media player originating from the Windows world. I measured the beta 18.0.177 build for this test.

Bit-perfect from the start so I didn't fool with any of the default settings. It's capable of DSD playback to the TEAC using DoP. - I'm not as familiar with this one. I installed the trial version 1.89g. It literally 'wraps' around the iTunes interface. Can handle DSD but I didn't bother trying since it looks like there were some contortions needed to get these files recognized under iTunes. 'Memory Play' was activated for playback.

My subjective opinion is that I did not like the UI and using iTunes means no native FLAC support. - Release version 1.0 for Mac. Just a freebie I can run with the TEAC DAC. Handles FLAC.