Google Earth Pro Update For Mac High Sierra

I get the same thing. According to another string (which for some reason I can't reply to) you check with this page to see if you're updated (it tells you the latest update), and if not, update through the update page. My app seems updated, so I don't see why the updater is popping up at all. Also, I don't use it, so why would it update. Was something released today?

Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean.

I think it's phishing and Google should look into it. (ไม่รู้จัก) 19/8/2016, 16:32 น. Rezwan Razani 19/8/2016, 16:40 น.

OK, so I went to uninstall, per these - - directions: Mac: • Go to your Applications folder and search for the Google Earth application. • Right-click the Google Earth application icon and select Move to Trash. Additionally, if you'd like to remove all of the Google Earth components from your Mac, please follow these steps: • Go to Finder.

• Open the Home Directory icon labeled with your user ID. • Delete the files at Library > Caches > Google Earth. • Also, please delete the files at Library > Application Support > Google Earth. The second part (Library) was easy to delete, but attempting to delete gives me a prompt Why do I need a password to remove it? The Google Chrome and Google Drive apps just let me drag them to trash, no problem. Please confirm that removing Google Earth is normally accompanied by one's asking for one's password. Anyway, I've put all the Library stuff for Google Earth into the trash and emptied the trash.

Mac high sierra update problems

Will see if prompt still occurs. Thanks again, Rezwan CloseToTheBeach 19/8/2016, 18:04 น. Well, note that I uninstalled google earth and the problem popped up, literally while writing this message, and I'm having problems like clicking a link, and having the link not open so it's presenting like a virus- I cant seem to find it either. So bye bye, Google Earth! And bye bye, Chrome! Let's see if that helps- seems to be fine when I use safari only so please see if you are having the related click on a link, and it opens up someting else problem. Thanks- no resolution in sight.

Mike Johnny El Chemmas 19/8/2016, 18:05 น. I've been having this issue this evening, too. I've seen the popup 3 times now. It just pops up at random while I'm watching Youtube, even in fullscreen.

Seemed very suspicious to me since I not only didn't try to install or update a program manually, I don't have Google Earth on this computer (though I might have installed it for some time in the past). I tried the 'defaults write checkInterval 0' thing the second time I saw it, because after it reappeared, the first thing I did was try to find out how to make it stop. It clearly didn't work. And I don't think I mistyped, but I did just try to enter it again. I don't have any malware/adware on this computer as far as I know. I don't use it for all that much anymore besides watching Youtube and the occasional edit in Photoshop.

Haven't downloaded anything since April and that download was never even opened, haha, so I'm doubting it's a malware/adware related thing on my end. Hopefully there will be some insight into this problem soon. Nikhi Janae 19/8/2016, 19:38 น. Just adding myself to the long list of affected used.

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10:00EST-ish is when it started. I'm NOT that tech savvy so while I can often following instructions or make educated guesses, I know I'm not going to be at all helpful.

Is there anything else we all have in common. It's not a Chrome vs Safari thing. We all have Macs, no? I'm not even sure what else to go with.

That's just a crazy thing in general for a Mac to get infected with for any reason. Just desperate for an answer. Gab Centeno 19/8/2016, 19:39 น.

> jbiib 19/8/2016, 19:55 น. Well, you have to be careful not to delete your Earth, Wind and Fire songs in the process:-) This middle-aged person needs help with a step you have left out, because it is no doubt obvious to you: How do you get from the Spotlight list to actual files to delete? I see 'Google Earth - Applications,' 'Google Earth - MacIntosh HD,' and 'Google Earth Web Plugin.' But no amount of right clicking, Alt clicking, Ctrl clicking or cussing will let me move these from that list to the trash, or reveal their file paths.