Why No Notepad++ For Mac

Yes, Microsoft uses carriage return and line feed (both characters) for end of line but only one on Mac. In development, I use Adobe Dreamweaver which you can set to solve that. I develop on both Mac and Win platforms. I am unaware of making notepad do that however. You can try Wordpad, it handles it better than notepad though.

N Grossingink wrote:Or, MuseScore and flip-flopping with XML. I imported a few MuseScore XMLs into Finale and the results looked pretty good. Don't know how Finale XML to MuseScore is, though. The simpler the file, the better, I'm guessing. It leaves a bit to be desired but the current version of MuseScore is no longer horrible in that regard. How much of that is due to the recent improvements to MusicXML in Finale is something I don't know.

Neither am I going to take the time to find out. I am just not a fan of MuseScore. As I posted in the other forum, I have already loaded a test drive with PM 2014.5, Finale 2014.5 and NotePad 2012. It will be the first drive that I upgrade to High Sierra.

Once the bugs are fixed it will be a good app, I think. Wireless mouse app

I will then test and post my results. Normally, I am an early adopter and let the chips fall where they will in that regards but not this time.

I have been hearing some ugly things about Microsoft Office for Mac and OS 10.13. I hope that they have been resolved by release date — if not, I won't update till they've been resolved. Word and Excel are necessary for my day job.

I trust MM to resolve any growing pains that occur with 25 once High Sierra ships. Motet wrote:My guess is it's not ominous, but rather too expensive having Apple pull the rug out from under them every time there's a new version of the OS. Apple goes to tremendous lengths to keep code working (which has included CPU emulation for two different chip sets). It also gives developers YEARS of warnings before removing or modifying existing APIs. There are APIs that have been deprecated for ten years, but which are still included in the OS and continue to function. And yet, when it does make changes, developers are somehow 'caught out', and the user curses Apple for 'pulling the rug out from under them'. Lest we forget, companies like Intuit and FontLab were 'surprised' by Apple removing the PPC emulation, despite being warned for seven years to adapt their software.

I've written a lot of code that accesses the Mac PDF creation and editing APIs -- the same ones that Preview and the print system uses. It works on any Mac from Leopard (10.5) to the present, because the APIs haven't changed in ten years. Sports motion analysis. I wrote an app in 2007 (admittedly, very basic) that continues to work unmodified on the latest OS. Things do break when new OSes are released, sure. Why that happens, I suspect, is more complex than simply Apple messing with stuff unexpectedly for the sake of it. Interestingly, since Finale has been re-written to use the Cocoa APIs, rather than the legacy Carbon ones from pre-OS X days, new Mac OS versions have affected it less.

Anders Hedelin wrote:BuonTempi, how do you explain that Apple doesn't give you the opportunity to run Finale 25 on OS 10.8 while Windows does so with an 'older' system like W 7? Without seeing MM's code, it's impossible to say. However, while Apple don't change existing APIs, they do add new ones, and so it's possible that Finale uses newer code that won't run on earlier versions. So older apps, if written correctly, should work on newer machines, but newer code won't work on older ones.