Internet Explorer For Mac 2008

I uninstalled office for Mac, then emptied my Mac trash and then realised I had also lost a password protected document which I need to recover, I reinstall from the cd software and all docs etc were recovered no problem apart from the password protected document which now reads as a lot of symbols etc and no means of entering my password, I am using iMac with maverick os, I have contacted Apple support who recomened Microsoft support, any help would be apprieciated, please note I am not an expert in I T matters. Unless you have a backup copy by way of Time Machine or some other method I'm afraid you're out of luck. Visual studio for mac tutorial A very simplified explanation.

It is a Mac OS X exclusive browser from the Mozilla team. I have used Camino on a number of systems, and the later versions (currently in beta stages) have been fabulous. Camino is a neat and tidy browser, and with most older Macs not supporting the higher resolutions of more modern Macs, screen space is more of an issue – and this slim and trim browser helps maximise the browser window.

Password protection in today's world involves quite secure encryption of the data in the file. In order for data recovery software to succeed it must be able to open & read the file content in order to rewrite it as a user accessible file. Since the recovery software can't supply the password it can read only the encrypted data which results in the 'symbols etc' -- That's all the recovery software found so that's what it was able to give you. The only suggestion I can offer -- which by no means is a recommendation -- is to pay for a service that may be able to decrypt the recovered file.

It isn't likely to succeed & requires giving both the file & your credit card info to people who, essentially, are hackers. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.