Mac Os Sierra Asking For Name And Password
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If you know the name and password of an admin account on your Mac, you can use that account to reset the password. Log in with the name and password of the other admin account. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu, then click Users & Groups. Click, then enter the admin name and password again. Select your user name from the list of users.
By default OS X is set up so you can access and edit files you create and only requires authentication to edit files in system directories or in other user accounts (provided you are an administrator). This allows for a fairly seamless workflow when working with the resources your account has access to, and notifies you when you are editing files that could affect other users or the system as a whole. This setup is determined by the permissions settings in the system, which you can see if you select a file and get information on it. At the bottom of the information window you will see a Sharing & Permissions section with a list of names and privileges. By default the topmost name is the user or account that created it, which could be your account or the system. The second name is the group associated with the file, such as 'admin' to include all administrators, or 'staff' to include all user accounts on the system, among others. The last name should be 'everyone,' which describes the access permissions for all other users or groups defined in the system, including guest accounts.
If a problem happens with the permissions setup on the system, you may run into errors when you access or edit files, including the need to enter your admin password anytime you wish to move, open, or edit a specific file (even those in your user account). These errors usually do not happen just by using the system, and instead are often a byproduct of restoring your system from a backup, migrating to a new system, or performing some systemwide modification or tweaking routine. If you are experiencing permissions errors and getting these warnings when editing files, you can take several approaches to clearing the problem. The approach that's best, though, depends on the exact nature of the issue.
EDIT: OK, here's some code. You need to insert the character code that Excel uses, which IIRC is 10 (ten). Note that I was able to confirm that the character-code used is indeed 10, by creating a cell containing: A B.and then selecting it and executing this in the VBA immediate window:?Asc(Mid(Activecell.Value,2,1)) So, the code you need to insert that value into another cell in VBA would be: ActiveCell.Value = 'A' & vbLf & 'B' (since vbLf is character code 10). How do you add a new line in a cell in excel for mac.
• Happening everywhere To reset the permissions in your home folder, select this option in the Reset Password utility found when booted to the OS X installer. Screenshot by Topher Kessler The problem may happen in multiple locations.
If you aren't able to save system settings and finding that programs and system services are behaving oddly, then it's likely that numerous system files have permissions errors. You can remedy this by running a basic permissions fix routine on the drive using Disk Utility. To do this, open Disk Utility and select your boot volume, followed by clicking the Permissions Fix button. Another area where permissions problems might seem to be happening everywhere is if they are rampant through your home directory, which can happen if you have copied files to your system from a backup, migration, or via Target Disk mode.