Shortcut On Microsoft Word On Mac For New Comment

As you may know, Microsoft Excel is a great way of keeping track of basically anything. You can track your workouts, travel plans, packing list, holiday shopping, or even your diet. In this blog post I will show you how I use Excel to track the type of Customer Support tickets I receive on a weekly basis. My first workbook is the data center. In this workbook I add the number of times a criteria is applied to a label compared to the total number of tickets. The next step is to make a chart for those that are a bit more visual.

9 Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Word. Key commands have always been a part of my work day. I love knowing how to shave off a mere 1 or 2 steps in any process.

The second tab will be your bar graph, and the third tab will be the pie chart. The bar graph is a nice and easy graph for the number of times a label is applied, and the pie chart is more suitable for the percentages. To set up a chart, click on the Charts tab in the toolbar. This will bring you to a list of charts that you can create.

Click on the one you want. In this case, I will do a vertical bar chart, or Column. What appears is a blank screen where the chart will be. Now we must designate the data we want in the chart.

To do so, right click the blank window and click Select Data. This will open a Select Data dialog box. In this dialog box, we want to designate the data with the Chart data range: space. Click in the blank space, and then go to your data and select the range of data you wish to select. Click OK when you are done selecting the data, and your chart will appear. Please let us know if you have any questions, the Excel Skin team is here to help! If a function key doesn't work as you expect it to, press the FN key in addition to the function key.

Shortcut On Microsoft Word On Mac For New Comment

If you don't want to press the FN key each time, you can change your Apple system preferences: • Go to Apple > System Preferences > Keyboard. • On the Keyboard tab, select the check box for Use all F1, F2, etc.

But what I did not realize was that my purchase of this software would last for only a year. Quicken for the mac updates. If I had known that, I never would have purchased Quicken 2017 in the first place.

As standard function keys. NOTE This check box affects how the function keys work for your entire computer, not just Excel. After selecting this check box, you'll need to press the FN key to perform the special features printed on the key. For example, you'll notice that the F2 key has a brightness icon. To use the key to change your brightness, you'll need to press FN + F2.

Moving can be a daunting task regardless of the size of your house or apartment. There are hundreds of little tiny objects that do extraordinary things that you’ll want to accompany you in your new abode. What’s the best way of keeping track of these objects? Microsoft Excel of course! Using Microsoft Excel for moving has two significant competitive advantages over a simple word document or text based list. You can add the values of each item in case of damage, and you can easily check off items that arrived safely The first step is to list out your items and the values as shown below: The next step is to, of course, move these items. Once you have all the boxes in your new home you can start sorting through your items.

The easiest way of doing so is a color coded system. When you unpack an item, color code it in Microsoft Excel to confirm you have received it. By the end of all your unpacking you’re Excel spreadsheet should look something like this: Hopefully you have mostly green! And there you have it, the most organized and efficient way of tracking your household items during a move in Microsoft Excel. As always, let us know if you have any questions! Microsoft Excel for Mac has a few obvious uses. A few blog posts back we covered budgeting in Excel, and how easy it is to set up a simple to use template that does all the calculations for you while you input the data.

Today we are going to tackle and even simpler use for Microsoft Excel on your Mac. The layout of any spreadsheet is very advantageous when dealing with lists of information.

Anything from addresses to contacts to inventory can be listed in an easy to use format in Microsoft Excel for Mac. Why is it easier than Microsoft Word, a dedicated word processor?

Lets take a look at some data lists in each program and compare. Here is our list of inventory for our Restaurant Supply store in Microsoft Word: And here is the same list in Microsoft Excel: In my opinion the Microsoft Excel list is easier to read, but that is not the main benefit. The benefit comes from the ease of manipulation. Since our products are in individual cells we can easily remove them, or format them depending on our current inventory. In the Microsoft Word example the list is more of a sentence, and much harder to manipulate without editing the entire entity. If you like keeping lists of data, but are currently using Microsoft Word, give Microsoft Excel a try!